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Making things easier and faster in all workflows

Crisp usage results
580,000 Messages from 9000 conversations
Key Crisp integrations
How does Crisp help you on a day-to-day basis?

On average, we handle 2500 conversations per month, which is quite high for us. When we organize live events, the number of conversations skyrockets and only a powerful tool deeply integrated with our backend can help us to create a great customer experience. That's why we love Crisp.

We use Crisp through the entire customer lifecycle: pre-sales, sales and every part of after-sales, and customer support, scheduling, onboarding, settings and answering customer questions.

What are the benefits of using a chatbot?

Using Crisp, you can create a chatbot that will answer customers on multiple channels, which is super helpful.

The chatbot helps us to answer the most repetitive questions, reaching up to 10% of demand in an automated way, all set up within Crisp in an easy and flexible way. "

  • Fair Pricing PolicyCrisp offers free and paid plans. All our plans come with flat pricing, so you can expect what you pay at the end of the month.Learn more
  • No engagementWe want you to be free to leave whenever you want. That's why Crisp plans come with no engagement.Learn more
  • Free trialEver bought something without any trial? That's why all our plans come with a trial of 14 days without any CCs requiredLearn more

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