Canned Responses Cheat Sheet for Sales, Marketing & Support

Do you want to understrand how canned responses can affect your productivity at work ? Here is the full cheat sheet to start building your own.

Canned Responses Cheat Sheet for Sales, Marketing & Support

Nowadays, customers expect to get quick answers. As competition increase, companies have to be able to scale their leads and customers support to quickly resolve all their questions.

"U.S. consumers are willing to spend 17% more to do business with companies that deliver excellent service, up from 14% in 2014."

American Express Customer Service Barometer 2017

Naturally, every business should be willing to serve every kind of users at the best quality in order to build a highly trusted relationship. It can also help to create a great perception of your brand.

How to give the best answer while scaling customer acquisition? How to ensure an ever better first response time with increasing customer satisfaction? How to standardize communication from your team to your customer?

Why should you use Canned Message?

Canned message is a way to respond to all these questions. Leverage the efficiency of canned responses to answer faster to customers and maintain consistency in your brand communication. This will also help your team to keep their focus on the most advanced customer request.

This is very helpful if you find your teams always answering the same questions.

You can pre-compose and save several canned responses at a time. This can help you in communicating swiftly with your customers without compromising on the quality of inquiries. You can still personalize your answers so your customer don't get the feeling of being a ticket number 😎.

Furthermore, you can answer to multiple customers simultaneously and reduce customer waiting time which, in turn, leads to increased customer satisfaction ratings. A faster response is also a great way to improve customer retention. Besides, happy customers are the best advocates for your business.

Finally, you can now avoid typos and mistakes. Typos can kill business credibility, painting an unprofessional image of your business. In a canned response, you need to type an answer only once which will circulate over and over depending on the nature of customer questions.

Canned Responses strategy

Before going in a hurry and creating every answer that comes to your mind. Take a deep breath and think about the request that comes frequently. Using a data-based strategy would be much more efficient. What we advise at Crisp is to tag every conversation using segment so thanks to Analytics, you can start to monitor which questions are coming frequently. Sometimes, it leads to surprising results :).

Now that you have enough data, you can jump into the canned responses editor and start to create your answers.

Angélique, from our support team, shares a 4 steps process on how to build Saved replies :

1.Create the basic responses to basic questions. Ex: Hi, how can I help? You’re welcome...
2.Make sure to know what are the most common questions your customers are asking to provide specific actions to take. Ex: Technical questions’ step by step method and so on.
3.Create responses to general knowledge that customer needs to know based on your websites’ main support/product. Ex: Pricing, what you offer, and more.
4.Make sure to create the message as personal as possible, since it’s a canned response, agents tend to send them as fast as possible and having a robotic answer will have the customer assuming it is from a bot.

Canned message for sales team 💰

  • !demo-booking: You can book a meeting with me through this link : <url>.
  • !prop-value: we offer the best service within <industry> thanks to
  • !pricing: we offer different kind of services from xx$ to xx$. You can have look here : <url>
  • !sales-intro : Let me sum up, you're trying to solve <this problem> in order to reach <this objective>, right ?
  • !problem : What brought you here today?
  • !confirm : Did I answered all your questions until now?
  • !suggest : Can I give you an advice?
  • !compare : How do you feel with <customers solution> right now?
  • !plancompare – You can see the comparison of our different plans here <url>.
  • !Discount20 - Here is your redeem code for 20% discount : <your code>
  • !Discount30 - Here is your redeem code for 30% discount : <your code>

Canned Responses for marketing team 🏋🏼‍♀️

  • !docs - Here is a link to our documentation regarding <your company> : <url>
  • !press - You can access our media kit right here : <url>
  • !blog-article1 - Here is a blog article that speaks about <topic> : <url>
  • !webinar - Hey ! Join us for our next webinar on <topic> : Subscribe here : <url>

Canned Message for support team 🚀

  • !privacypolicy – Our privacy policy is available here: <url>
  • !refundrequest – You can initiate a refund request by following the below steps: <enter the steps>
  • !feedbacknegative – Thanks for sharing your feedback. We’re sorry to hear about your bad experience. We’re usually known for our great customer service experience, and we regret that we missed the mark. We’ll make sure this doesn't happen again.
  • !features – You can discover all of our features here <url>.
  • !featurereq – Thanks <username>, that’s a great idea!. I’ll take your feedback to the team as a feature request.
  • !followupongoing – Hey <username>, I just wanted to let you know we’re still working on resolving your issue. I’ll let you know as soon as it’s fixed!
  • !followupfixed – Hi <username> wanted to inform that your problem has been resolved. Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you!
  • !resolve – I am resolving this conversation for now. Please do reach out to us if you have more queries. We’re always happy to help you.
  • !hi – Hi there, how can I help you today?
  • !hold – Apologies, I need some time to resolve this issue. Do you mind if I get back to you in a few minutes?
  • !transfer – <username>, I am going to ask <employee name> from the <team/department> who can assist you better with this. I’ll give him all the details. I’ll still be here if you need anything else!
  • !holdchat – Can I place your chat on hold for a moment?
  • !sorry – I apologize for the trouble. I understand your concern/frustration. I’ll work on a solution right away.
  • !bye – It’s been great chatting with you, <username>. Please do let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with. Have a wonderful day!
  • !wc – You’re welcome. Have a nice day!
  • !resolve – I am resolving this conversation for now. Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with. Always happy to be of service!
  • !discount – We are offering a <% discount>. Would you like to know more?
  • !cancel – We are sorry to hear our product/service didn’t fit your needs. I can certainly cancel your subscription. However, would you mind telling us why you’re canceling so we can improve our services?
  • !developpers - Here is our whole documentation regarding our beloved developpers : <url>
  • !marketers - Here is our whole documentation regarding our beloved marketers : <url>

Now that you have the basics, you can start to create your own saved reply and make your messaging great again!

Do you use canned responses? We would love to hear how you've set this up within your company and which messages you send the most. Let's get in touch!

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