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Managing suppliers and customer from one central inbox

Crisp usage results
100,000 Messages from 5300 conversations
Key Crisp integrations
How does Crisp help you on a day-to-day basis?

Normally, to interact with our website visitors we use multiple tools: the good old phone call or mail. using Crisp, we got closer to our website visitors, both at the supplier level and at the end customer level.

Beyond being a chat widget for websites, it is an engine that allows us to provide really good assistance and service to our customers, with an immediate response and an easy solution to the problems they may have at that time. The operation normally is that we receive a call or receive some input from a client and then we have to give them a solution. Thanks to Crisp, solutions are being brought immediately and it allows us to answer questions that we couldn't before.

How do you use Crisp as a sales tool?

Crisp is a sales tool that helps to bring real-time assistance to website visitors when they really need it. Crisp helps us in two ways. The first would be for conversions and the second for sales assistance. Yes, the live chat helped us to convert some website visitors into repeat customers.

The implementation was super easy and the customer service is helpful and reactive. They made it really easy to do. They always have a solution or a workaround for the things we're willing to do. Honestly, I can't say anything bad about Crisp."

  • Fair Pricing PolicyCrisp offers free and paid plans. All our plans come with flat pricing, so you can expect what you pay at the end of the month.Learn more
  • No engagementWe want you to be free to leave whenever you want. That's why Crisp plans come with no engagement.Learn more
  • Free trialEver bought something without any trial? That's why all our plans come with a trial of 14 days without any CCs requiredLearn more

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