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HelpScout vs Livehelp Now

What is the best software for your business? Looking to compare HelpScout with Livehelp Now? Enjoy a detailed comparison of HelpScout vs Livehelp Now.

Discover how HelpScout compare with Livehelp Now

Enjoy a detailed comparison table about features and pricing

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Highest Plan

Highest monthly plan as displayed on the pricing page
$65/mo$72 / mo / agent

Chat Seat Included

Number of seats included in the highest plan

Additional seat

The cost for each additional seat added to the monthly bill
$65/mo$65,4 / mo / agent


Number of contacts allowed for the plan

Annual billing for 20 users

Total yearly price to be paid


Platform that works in the browser, no need to download any software

Mobile Apps

Ability to work from Android or iOS

Desktop Apps

Ability to install dedicated software for Windows and MacOS

Customers' ratings

Measure customers' satisfaction through dedicated surveys

Routing rules

Route and assign conversations manually or automatically between teams

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email & WhatsApp

Centralize inbound messages from messaging apps

Private notes & mentions

Collaborate in real-time with teammates


Setup alerts to follow up on specific cases


Build custom behaviors through dedicated APIs

Visitor Banning

Ban abusive visitors or customers from contacting you

File sharing

Share files through multiple channels

Canned responses

Access templated messages from a shared library

Contact form

Add a contact form on your website

Customer portal

Centralize tickets into an individual view for each customer

Visitors details

Get visitors' details when you receive a message

Javascript integration

The live chat is loaded using Javascript

Chat trigger

Push proactive messages through the chatbox

Live chat Web SDK

Build custom behaviours for your live chat using Javascript code

Message Sneak-peek

See what the user is writing before the message is sent

Live translate

Automatically translate messages on multiple channels

Chat transcript

Send a sum up of the conversation


Personalize the way the chatbox is displayed

Co Browsing

Access customers' screen to co-browse with no additional plugin


Ability to be used through multiple websites

Video and audio calls

Start an audio or video call from the live chat with no additional plugin

Speed Impact

The time it takes the live chat to be fully loaded

Branding removal

Prevent the brand's vendor to be displayed


Adapt the live chat context to customers' language

Chatbot builder

Craft chatbot scenarios without coding skills

Draft scenarios

Experience chatbot workflow in draft mode

Input fields

Form and lead capture through chatbot

Keyword intents

Trigger chatbot based on specific keywords

Condition blocks

Adapt the behavior on specific conditions

Chatbot API

Connect external data or craft custom chatbot scenarios

Targeting options

Personalize the list of targeted users

Dynamic data

Insert dynamic data in your templates

Email & Chat sequences

Push sequences on multiple channels


Save and manage email or chat templates

Knowledge base

Create a help center for your customers and leads


Personalize interactions with Javascript

Password protected

Protect your articles with a password


Make your articles available in multiple languages


Customize the look and feel of your knowledge base

Custom domain name

Attach the knowledge base available to your domain

User profile

Detailed view of your customers' information

Advanced filters

Create a customized list of users

Tags & Segments

Tag a group of users to gather them under one flag

CRM integrations

Connect your inbox with leading CRMs

Zapier Integration

Connect your inbox with Zapier

Contact import

Import contact from a file

User activity

See users' activity on your website


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Crisp, the fast-growing Customer Service software

Crisp makes it easy for businesses around the world to improve customer experience on both mobile and desktop. Thanks to Crisp's all-in-one software, our solution allows you to centralize more than 10 channels in one inbox. WhatsApp, Messenger, Emails, Live chat, Phone calls or even Viber or Line are available straight from one place.

More than channels, Crisp lets you gather your teams around the inbox to improve collaboration and reduce the time to resolution of each conversation. Combined with data accessible to your fingertips, Crisp helps you to personalize each interaction on every channel to build the best customer experience possible.

Looking to connect Crisp to other tools you love? No problem! Crisp offers many integrations with leading tools of the industry so you can get started with Crisp. Make your data flow seamlessly between multiple environments in a few clicks.

What is HelpScout?

HelpScout is committed to halting treating customers like numbers by delivering the best-in-class customer service. HelpScout was co-founded in 2011 by Nick Francis, Jared McDaniel, and Denny Swindle. The customer service software strives to enhance the efficiency of customer care services, email management, and support automation.

Voted the "best ROI" by G2 customers, it supports, challenges, and identifies your current customer relationship system and processes to help you make swift progress in gaining loyal buyers.

The platform empowers customer management teams with a "do less, but do it better" approach, thanks to its reply automation that helps create a seamless customer relationship that breeds the best ROI.

Most of the time, Helpscout competitors are Intercom, Freshworks or Crisp.

What is Livehelp Now?

LiveHelpNow is an Omni channel platform connected through communication channels at lightning speed. It retains unbeatable chat tools that secure chats, language transitions, and even automation. It was launched in 2005 by Michael Kansky to support ticket management and serve as a self-service solution that suffices as a recipe for better sales conversion. Get your team busy with what moves the needle in your business with Livehelp; a better solution requires even better support.

500,000 brands are already using Crisp to improve their customer experience
See their testimonials

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