October 2020 — Product Update

Looking to see what's new this month at Crisp? Here are the latest release we've brought to the platform. Enjoy!

October 2020 — Product Update

New features

  • Speed improvements for the chatbox 🌪

We now get to a point where we have the lightest chatbox on the market, with a compressed size of 164KB, where other live chat providers would often load up to 1MB. It's now a competitive advantage to offer Crisp to your users, rather than any other chat on the market.

Read the story to understand how we saved 50TB of broadband for our servers →

  • New generic routing rule available 🎢

Previously, some conversations were still assigned to offline agents. it's now possible to enable a new option in your routing rules settings to automatically re-assign the conversation if the agent is offline.

Read more about the routing rules →

  • Ratings tab over the analytics has been improved ⏰

We felt it was tough to understand quickly who had perfectly (or badly) handled a conversation in the inbox so we added this data to the rating tab. It's also now possible to access a preview of the conversation to immediately see what's going on and take immediate action without loosing time.

Read more about the analytics feature →

Bug fixes & improvements

  • Campaigns: fixed an issue impacting campaigns sent on large user base
  • LiveTranslate: higher quotas for everyone, ability to set custom quotas (Read explanations here)
  • Shortcuts: data replacement is now taken from conversation data and profile data
  • Helpdesk: import system is now capable of importing large number of articles
  • Helpdesk: actions have been reordered to prevent from errors
  • CSV Import:  fetches latest configuration if columns are similar auto suggest custom keys
  • CSV Export: It's now possible to export custom data when exporting user data

Any features you'd like to see in the future? Have a chat with us 🤗

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