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Smart Segment Rules: Auto Segmenting

Automatically add segments to your conversations by custom rules (like message body contains, etc.)

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Automatically Segment Conversations and Save Your Time!

Automatically apply segments to your conversations by creating simple rules.

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Prioritize and Avoid Angry Customers

Prioritize urgent conversations by automatically segmenting them when they contain urgent characteristics and avoid customers dissatisfaction.

integration-feature-Prioritize and Avoid Angry Customers-screenshot

Boost your Support Team Performance

Organize your conversations automatically, ease your support team's operation and boost performance.

integration-feature-Boost your Support Team Performance-screenshot
integration-about-developer-avatar-Effective Apps

Effective Apps

  • Created: 1/3/2023
  • Updated: 2/14/2023
  • Category: automation
  • footer-cta-badge-g2-high-performer
  • footer-cta-badge-g2-momentum-leader
  • footer-cta-badge-g2-loved

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