Ditch your Status Page: How we monitor Crisp at scale
The Crisp technical architecture runs around 40+ different micro-services, all replicated across different physical machines. Adding to that, we have around 20 daemons operating different tasks, eg. data storage with MongoDB, or email delivery with Postfix. Those microservices handle 1 billion+ requests each month (this is growing). We need to know when something crashes, quickly. After a thorough analysis of the status page / monitoring solutions available on the market, either as SaaS or Open
Open-Sourcing Bloom: A REST API Caching Middleware
This article is a word-for-word repost of Announcing Bloom: A REST API Caching Middleware [] from the blog of Valerian Saliou [], Crisp CTO. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premature optimization is the root of all evil. Especially when you launch a new SaaS business you're not sure will succeed and get the traction you would expect of