Eklentilere Geri Dön

Email Insights

Go beyond email validation with predictive risk scoring, fraud detection, and real-time bounce check

Entegrasyonu Kurun

Contact Custom Data

By leveraging Email Insights with Crisp custom data, your team can target campaigns, use it on shortcut answers, route your automations, personalize interactions, and display key information, ultimately mitigating risk and enhancing the customer experience.

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Powerful Segments

Integrate Email Insights to create relevant contact segments that indicate email risk level, deliverability, and type. Use Crisp segments to target or filter contacts in campaigns, automations, and more.

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Chat Widget

Have your Crisp chat widget display Email Insights data to your agents. This way, your team can make informed decisions and provide better support to your customers. Use the Email Insights plugin to validate emails, score risk, and detect fraud.

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Plugin Configuration

Customize how the Email Insights plugin interacts with your Crisp account. Configure the plugin to automatically validate emails, score risk, and detect fraud, or use it to analyze bounces and safeguard your sender's reputation.

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integration-about-developer-avatar-Opportify, Inc.

Opportify, Inc.

  • Oluşturuldu: 1/27/2025
  • Güncellendi: 3/25/2025
  • Kategori: other
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